Swing for the Cure: 3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Tournament
Join the Fight Against Leukemia and Lymphoma
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 9:00AM
All registrations and dues are due no later than Saturday, March 1, 2025.
These Rules are Subject to Change at Any Time Prior to the Tournament Start Date. Changes Will Be Posted on This Page.
6 inning games, if tied the 7th inning will start with the bases loaded.
There will be 4 teams per field/division. Each team will play the other 3 teams. The top two teams from each division will move on to the playoff round later in the day for single-elimination play until only one team is left standing.
Home team will be determined by rock, paper, scissors (best of 3) each game.
Teams will consist of 3-6 players, but there will be only 3 players on the field at any time.
Any team with more than 3 players can bat 4-6 players.
The number of players batting each game must remain constant for the entire game.
All fielders must bat. (It’s all for fun so to keep it simple it’s recommended that everyone bats and fielders can be interchanged at will.)
No designated hitters or pinch hitters allowed.
Strike zone will be approximately 28” high and 20” wide
6 balls for a walk, 3 strikes for an out.
2 outs per inning.
A foul tip with two strikes that hits the strike zone will be considered a strikeout.
Home runs are approximately 75-80 feet away. Pitchers mound is 40.5 feet away from the front of the plate.
No gloves, taped bats, or scuffed balls.
Bats and balls will be provided.
If after the 3rd inning a team is leading by 10 or more runs, they will be declared the winner
Closed toed footwear must be worn, molded cleats are allowed on the turf. Metal cleats are NOT allowed on the turf.
Base running: batters must run the bases to be safe after contact.
To get lead runners out, fielder must throw the ball to teammate at the advancing base.
Runners can get hit by the wiffle ball to be called out. If it hits the ground and then hits the runner, they are out (pegs are allowed).
No leading off, no stealing.
No ghost men. If a player is on base when due to be up again, a different player may pinch run.
Tagging up is legal.
Infield fly rule: In the event of an infield pop-up and base runners on, a ball that hits the ground either on purpose or on accident can only result in 1 out.
Bunting: No bunting is allowed.
Ball in play: Any ball hit in “fair play” is in play.